Ghost is an open-source CMS (Content Management System) that enables users to create blogs and websites. It is written in JavaScript, and it can be self-hosted or hosted on a cloud platform. In this tutorial, we will be deploying Ghost on, a platform that enables developers to deploy and scale their applications.

Step 1: Create an Account on
To deploy Ghost on, you need to create an account on If you do not have an account, go to and create one. You will need to provide your email address and create a password.

Step 2: Install the Flyctl CLI
To interact with, you will need to install the Flyctl CLI. The Flyctl CLI is a command-line interface that enables you to deploy and manage your applications on To install the Flyctl CLI, follow the instructions on the Flyctl documentation page:

Step 3: Create a New Application
Once you have installed the Flyctl CLI, you can create a new application. To create a new application, run the following command in your terminal:

flyctl init

The flyctl init command will prompt you to enter a name for your application. Enter a name for your application, and press enter. The flyctl init command will create a new directory with the name of your application and a fly.toml configuration file.

Step 4: Configure the fly.toml File
The fly.toml file is the configuration file for your application. You need to configure this file to deploy Ghost. To configure the fly.toml file, open the file in your text editor and add the following code:

  image = "ghost:latest"
  # Set the path to your Ghost installation
  # Example: path = "./ghost"
  path = "<PATH_TO_GHOST>"

  # Set your Ghost URL
  URL = "https://<YOUR_GHOST_URL>"
  # Set your database URL
  database__client = "mysql"
  database__connection__host = "<YOUR_DATABASE_HOST>"
  database__connection__port = "<YOUR_DATABASE_PORT>"
  database__connection__database = "<YOUR_DATABASE_NAME>"
  database__connection__user = "<YOUR_DATABASE_USER>"
  database__connection__password = "<YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD>"

Replace <PATH_TO_GHOST> with the path to your Ghost installation. Replace <YOUR_GHOST_URL> with your desired Ghost URL. Replace <YOUR_DATABASE_HOST>, <YOUR_DATABASE_PORT>, <YOUR_DATABASE_NAME>, <YOUR_DATABASE_USER>, and <YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD> with your database credentials.

Step 5: Deploy Your Application
Once you have configured the fly.toml file, you can deploy your application. To deploy your application, run the following command in your terminal:

flyctl deploy

The flyctl deploy command will build your Ghost image and deploy your application to Once the deployment is complete, you will be provided with a URL where you can access your Ghost installation.

Step 6: Access Your Ghost Installation
To access your Ghost installation, open your web browser and go to the URL provided by You should see the Ghost setup screen. Follow the instructions on the screen to set up your Ghost blog.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed Ghost on You can now start creating content for your blog.
